Monday, February 28, 2011

You've come a long way , baby.

Doesn't feel real that we are actually half the way done. I think we are all the way to a more longer term change than just 45 days from today and I have to confess that  actually don't even know the date we finish.
Managed to work out at lunchtime today and just had a long yoga session which seems to have helped my legs, rugby at the weekend and yoga makes me realise that the PCP isn't so much a goal in itself, wrapped up in though we are but a means to open up more avenues of things to do.
Diet was OK , usual breakfast , took  steak and bread to work but didn't have time to get any veggies until 5ish and really missed them. Had my shake, following Richards recipe, - very tasty and have gone off the rails with a strawberry yoghurt. which i confess to fully enjoying.

Time for bed, am trying to get more sleep this week but resting adequately always seems to be the part of the PCP that I miss out.

Congratulations to everyone on getting this far- lets cane the rest of it.



  1. Hope you get more sleep... as I've found it really helps. Good for you for doing yoga... and congrats on making it to midpoint going so strong... keep it up!

  2. Not thinking about the end is the best way to proceed. Just keep getting today right.
