Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 22

New week, new work-outs , new diet. Diet numbers moving down, work-out numbers going up. 1st day  went alright. The creep and the plank should keep the exercise front interesting. Did my exercises while watching Scotland lose to France at least I was sharing their pain. Skipping was a bit sticky today, lots of stop starting, other stuff fine.

Food started well with my regular poached egg, tomatoes and rye toast- this is proper breakfast,lunch was adventurously taken out, in perhaps Sharjahs best- and admittedly only Japanese restaurant- had v nice Teriyaki salmon with only a dribble of sauce, some good edamame, dipped into some v good kimchi and had a bowl of miso - is this a good or a bad thing- it tasted like a good thing, which makes me think it must be a bad thing- can anyone confirm the PCP goodness of miso?  I was guessing at quantities and suspect that I wnt over on protein and under on veg- surprise surprise. Dinner is now carb free but i kept the Scottish theme going by using up 70g of veg on mash potato, as Patrick mentioned potato is a bona fide vegetable, this went well a small steak and some steamed veg.
So overall I think i might have been straying a little from the path today but it felt alright.

Hope everyone else is getting on with getting on.

1 comment:

  1. Miso isn't bad in and of itself, but it's just another way of eating beans. And beans are a difficult food to quantify in your diet.
