Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 5

Getting over my initial reaction to the removal of dinner as we know it - and strangely enough rather enjoyed my first banana/egg white /milk smoothie- added some cinammon, honey and a drop of vanilla extract- and it wasn't too bad. I have to admit  a lifelong dislike of egg whites and bananas-its a textural thing- meant i wasn't overjoyed with our new dinner arrangements. But lets see how it goes.

Work-outs have been good this week I still need to work on the pull-ups though and am going to try and fit some swimming in this week too.Stomach muscles are feeling stronger too and I like almost all the new exercises. Weight must be coming down as i could fit into a shirt today that I would have beeb busting out of (in all the wrong places) last month. I tweaked my back ( lifting an armchair in a coffee shop ???!) today so went a bit easy on the back exercise today.

Indulgence was yesterday 4 small homemade oatmeal raisin cookies- 4 might seem excessive but before the PCP I would have eaten 4 while walking through the kitchen so it seemed about right for an indulgence. I don't know if its because they are homemade and therefore relatively "clean" -oats, butter egg, mostly brown sugar and a little salt- but i felt none the worse for eating them -I was half expecting to feel at least a bit ill etc. So Patrick can we offiically sanction them as PCP approved cookies? What do you reckon?

That's quite enough from me tonight.


  1. Congrats on getting back into your previously tight shirt! Great feeling, eh? Homemade cookies -- what could be better?!

  2. Yeah, eating homemade stuff makes all the difference.

  3. I think I would give a thousand dollars for one of those cookies right now! good for you for choosing something wholesome and delicious!

  4. I too put on a t shirt I hadn't worn in three years this weekend. Slim fit!
