Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 20 - Aaadrian

Been quite on the blogging front-but happy to report that diet and exercises are going just about to plan apart from a couple of nights where i've been working out at almost midnight. The work-outs are going fine with the exception of lunges- my bogie exercise.  The diet is going ok I'm finally the proud owner of a set of digital scales. I'm still trying to find things which I can cook that are PCP friendly but can then be added to to make them acceptable to 2 small boys. Had chicken pasta last night with brocolli and steamed red peppers and have to admit to a teaspoonful of pesto too.  That seemed to keep everyone quite happy.

Skipping is generally fine but calves are feeling a little heavy for the first 100 or so. If we're at 900 now what sort of numbers will be be lookin at come April. Still i have to admit the skipping makes me feel a little Rocky, which i quite like.

Mercifully , that's all for now.


  1. There's an exercise in the works that will make you long for the lunge. Enjoy them while you can!

  2. well that's something to look forward to.

  3. I think it sounds like a threat.... I am not a fan of the lunges either!!!

  4. Hey David. Just wanted to tha you for your message. Antonio is slowly recovering. He is one year old and already he shows amazing signs of resistance and stoicism in his attitude, despite the very boring convalecense.

  5. Can you do the skipping crossover? Lunges are killer for me too... not looking forward to anything harder.

  6. That's so funny. I thought of Rocky today also. Lunges are not fun.
