Saturday, February 26, 2011

PCP= time machine

Yesterday The PCP managed to beam me back in time to a cold winter's day in Edinburgh sometime around 1991, as I played rugby for the 1st time in 20 years. It was hard going at times and this morning  i have a  strained left thigh and a dead right leg (for balance)  and am missing half a tooth but i really enjoyed myself. I was playing for a team called the Fat O ld Boys and our first game was against the Arabian Potbellies- I'm very glad that i don't quite live up to the names any more. If I hadn't started the PCP there's no way I would have even considered playing yesterday. All this pales in comparison to the PCPers who are doing the Tokyo Marathon this weekend -good luck to them-

Had to miss out  legs today but managed to skip and did the rest of the workout tonight while watching England beat France- setting things up for Scotland to spoil things nicely in a couple of weeks. I think this week is going to have to be a grind it out time-  am going to try really hard this week to blog every day.I  stuck to the diet today, maybe even missed a few carbs at lunch time,  I was very pleased to see as much as you like on the diet sheet- makes a change. Might hit the salad bar at work tomorrow- whoo hoo.

Thats all for now- keep going everyone.


  1. Good progress man, this is why we do this stuff, to live our lives more fully and have activities open up for us.

  2. Going back in time sounds like fun! Sorry about your tooth... at least your legs will bounce back. Great work!
