Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 44

Evening all.

Another late run today. Just finished workout . Jumped rope fine but legs will not lunge or squat yet. Will try tomorrow. No pull up bar so swapped days and really enjoyed the arms and abs today.
Diet good today- grilled up a tuna steak last night and took it along to the salad bar at work and teamed it up with everything that wasn't covered in oil or mayo.  Followed by quick egg white and plum- no apple in house tonight-oops.
Finding the switch to timed skipping a bit disruptive- I find myself still counting. Other than that its all good.

Night night


  1. Yeah me too ---- hard to break that counting habit! :)

  2. Andy directed me to a jump rope that has a timer and counts revolutions.... you should see if you can one too-- it has helped tremendously in allowing me to be mindless while jumping- less stressful
