Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Good points this week- workouts going fine, couple of late ones but getting most done early which is working well.Body fat measured at 20% today, 1st day of the PCP it came out as 30% on one of the in pharmacy machines they have here. I'm not sure if the first reading was reliable but today's was done by the health & wellness staff at college so I think it should be trustworthy. The good news is I'm no longer officially obese. Still plenty of room for improvement weight was up at 87/88kg then too and is now hovering around 80kg

Yoga was a blast again tonight, really noticing a big difference here and also ran around at rugby last night- might even be playing next weekend first time in 20 years. .....

I'm going to follow Geordie's lead and fess up here to a couple of cheats- Valentines I had a few bites of Russian Honey Cake and a couple of days later I had half a muffin- I'm not going to make any excuses here. On the whole I'm sticking with the diet, I can think of a handful of meals that have been eyeballed but almost everything is being weighed out to the gram, I'm faithfully taking my lunchbox to work but I'm still getting the urge to eat things I shouldn't know and again.

Right time for bed-

Keep going everyone


  1. David, most of us cheat. I think it's only human. Quite frankly any one that can follow the PCP 100% for 90 days in my opinion is un-human. The point is, we move on, learn better habits, and gain great health rewards for putting forth the effort. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hear hear. David, as a fellow Scot, I'm constantly reminded that I grew up drinking Irn Bru and eating battered mars bars. Makes my worries that I had 10g too much spinach last night seem a little ridiculous!

  3. David against the Goliath! Way to go man! I hope you kick some ass in the field during your re-debut.

  4. Oh well, your cheats are minor... and you are doing awesome, very inspiring.

  5. Watch those muffins man they'll get you.
