Tuesday, February 22, 2011

3D breakfast

One of the collateral benefits of the PCP in our house is that , more often than not my 2 boys (7&4) join me in a poached eggs, tomatoes and brown toast  PCP breakfast, or as Joseph -4 - called it today a 3D breakfast. Compared to cheerios or toast and jam the PCP breakfast really is 3 dimensional so I think that's what we'll be calling it from now on.


  1. Good on you for poaching your eggs.. I am still frying them up which isn't the best way I know.. I do them with garlic slices very thin which add flavour (in place of salt). I look forward to my 3D breakfasts when I go to sleep.. (that hungry..) Keep it up David.

  2. setting a fine example for your boys... good for you!

  3. Love that phrase, and love that your kids are learning by what you DO not what you say.
