Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Last few days have been good- Monday was excellent -i went to the gym at work at lunchtime- really good to be back in a gym and feeling vaguely competent again. Managed to do 4-3-2 pull-ups which is s start at least- I remember when i could do 3x10 to round off a back routine, think that will take some time. Working out earlier is so much better for me so its the way I'm going to go- i think there will still be be a couple of midnight runs ervery week but they don't feel so healthy. Other success on Monday was my yoga session- i had had a couple of weeks off so i think this was the first one where i was feeling the benefits of PCP. Yoga felt much better, because my core  strength is much improved my stability was way up and i could concentrate on the stretch rather than just not falling over, nailed headstand and a few other things. Also a smaller gut was much easier to work around as well. That was a real positive moment this week. Staying positive i 'm getting some nice comments at work about looking slimmer- that's not hurting.

Looking forward to the indulgence does anyone know the calorie count in homemade oatmeal raisin cookies?

Ok guys keep on going


  1. David- awesome post.. sounds like thinks are really clicking for you. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Just wait till you've been Planking for a few months. Yoga will be a breeze after that.

  3. I don't do yoga. Tried it once, but concluded (erroneously) it was like trying to become a concert pianist at 30 never having played before. I felt stiff, distracted and bored. I might try it again. Perhaps after PCP. Good to know you're doing well David!
