Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 8

Ist day of diet fun- I now know how much a cucumber weighs- and some more. Worked out in the morning - all good and ended up having breakfast at 12 and lunch at 3. Still stuffed now, considering whether to eat dinner or not. The odds are i will. Photos will have to  wait till tomorrow, definitely feeling a difference though. 

Good luck in the kitchen guys- I'm off there now.


  1. Hey David,

    Brett here, former PCPer (last summer). The thing that surprised me most the first week was not only how much I ate, but how hungry I was just a couple hours later! As Patrick says, stick with the diet--including ALL of the snacks. The diet is the key--nail it, and you'll see results of which our man Mr. Craig would be quite proud.

    Good luck in the kitchen!

  2. Over time you'll build up a memory bank of how much stuff weighs and everything will start to go faster.

  3. @ Brett- thanks for the advice -if i manage to shed weight like you did I'll be very happy.

    @ Patrick- thanks boss- chopped and steamed last night so todays looking simpler already.

  4. I think the scale is fun....interesting how much more dense some foods are then others. I'm learning which vegetables are the densest so I don't have such a big pile of them to eat! :) Cauliflower weighs more then broccoli and tomatoes are pretty dense too! :)
