Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day the 4th

Behaved with the eating so far today, usual breakfast- chicken, rye and cucumber for lunch, small bowl of pasta and meat sauce, snacks - raisins and an apple and half a small piece of sponge. I'm still getting sweet cravings must.not.eat.chocolate.
Snuck out of work early and got the workout done in the afternoon -not liking lunges- feel forced and unstable-but I'm enjoying the skipping.
No other pearls of wisdom to share tonight- keep going everyone.


  1. Things are looking good!!! Keep it up! Lunges are not fun in my book either :)

  2. Hello David; I love chocolate too but I have not stopped eating it... good for you.

  3. It's week one--you can have a taste of chocolate if you like. For lunges, when I visualize my back knee and hips dropping straight toward the floor, it makes me feel more balanced. Hope that helps!
