Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6 Bad

In short a bad day food wise, skipped breakfast and forgot my PCP friendly packed lunch- substituted with slice of carrot cake and too much coffee until mid afternoon when i caught up with my lunch, dinner was a lamb burger plus another 1/3. And I had a cookie too.  Today was a weak day.

Exercises were fine, lunges felt better thanks for the tips guys. Skipping good too. I felt ropey all day becuase of the food but i defiitely felt better after getting the workout done and that has to be a good sign.
Start again tomorrow.


  1. Just get up and try again!!! You can do it! There are 25 of us plus P & C pulling for you.

  2. It's unrealistic to think that you're never going to have a bad day David, sometimes life will throw a couple of hard-balls at you. Just work harder the next day and it'll be a distant memory before you know it. Great to hear the exercises are going well!

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I share the cravings for sweets. Like the others say: Tomorrow is a new day, we can do it!

  4. without hard work...there is no progress. if it were easy everybody would be doing it. make it happen. just do it! more cliches!

  5. No worries friend... as Mary Poppins says, "Tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow"...
