Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3

was much like day 2- eating half is going well, especially for a naturally er, hearty eater. I realised today that this is really the first time i have ever actually tried to control what I eat. I'm realising that while I eat too much at meals i also like to graze through the day. So I need to avoid snacks or find better alternatives.
Todays menu was usual weetabix +apple breakfast: 2/3rds cheese and pickle sandwich- cucumber sticks lunch:and for dinner, grilled chicken, tomato & garlic salad with balsamic dressing 2 sneaky pieces of fried  potato -bad  and a small slice of rye bread- good ,on a side plate. Snacks were an apple, a handful of raisins and another slice of rye bread.
I have to say the licence that the first week gives you to eat your normal diet seems really smart to me, it makes you control your eating urges but lets you avoid the stress of eating a super specialised diet. And also takes away excuses for not doing it, you're still allowed to eat with everyone else but you just have to eat less.
Exercises were better today, done late again,  skipping is still improving , extra reps didn't seem too tough. Managing to get some power into the squats and push ups, yesterday everything felt pretty weak. Let's hope it continues.  

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