Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 7 - Skippy

Ist if all thanks guys for all the supportive comments on the last post. Its really good to know you're all out there. This is going to be another short post- had a busy day, Friday is the 1st day of the weekend here in the UAE and we've had a houseful of kids all day for my youngest sons birthday party, been busy but good. Just did my skipping 5x100 with a few stumbles but not too bad.

Diet was much better than yesterday, lots of grazing but mostly grapes, cucumber & carrot sticks- normally I'd be eating as many nuggets and mini-burgers as the kids. Tried to be aware of what I was eating and perhaps as importantly- why I was eating. And I'm planning on enjoying my  2 pieces of -lazy, on the couch, Friday evening, with the Mrs, pizza tonight- just as mindfully. Last chance for a while

Lots to think about from Patricks e-mail, I realise that I think the diet part of the PCP will be the biggest challenge. Think I'm going to do some trawling of the complete blogs for recipe ideas- Ren's Prison Chilli might be a winner I think.

More later - thanks again guys.


  1. Get your diet right and you get the PCP right. Screw it up and we'll all see the (lack of) results. Good luck!

  2. Hi David, I'm a former PCPer. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog from time to time. I wish you all the best in your program.

    Don't fear the diet, David. Embrace it. I was apprehensive about it at first, and I was wrong to be. In fact, don't think of the upcoming food plans as an obstacle to be overcome. Rather, think of it as your new eating habits a positive new part of youtr life. The road to freedom from an unhealthy life.

  3. I'll pile on, too - the diet is tough, but it's awesome in the end. It's been a little more than a month since my group wrapped up, but the habits I formed are still solidly with me day in and day out. I know so much better know what food does to me.
