Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 3 Pic- Mehh

If you look closely, you can see the results of standing outside at the rugby all day without any sunblock on.Other results wise I'm not sure yet.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 13- Back on it.

Missed the last 2 days of work-outs, finally back on it today- about 80% better so managed to get  exercises done, kept the reps at the low end and cut a set here and there but basically finished the workout. Cut some carbs over the last couple of days and sticking to the diet hasn't been a  problem. Food tip- made a salsa with tomatoes, onions, and peppers,a couple of chillis  lemon juice and vinegar. Good for a couple of days and livens up grilled chicken etc.

Helping out at sons rugby tournament all day tomorrow so will be dodging beer and burgers. Should be fine.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11

Yesterday was a good PCP day, exercise done in the morning -I'm enjoying the resisitance bands- and diet seems to be going well. Also went along to yoga class for the ist time in a few weeks and had a not bad session. Today not so great, I've been feeling a bit ropey this week and had a fever last night, turns out that I've got tonsilitis again and had IV antibiotics today and tomorrow. Spent most of today crashed out- so missed work out and lunch stuck to diet though.Meds starting to work so hope to get in a work out tomorrow- PCP bonus lower weight and blood pressure than last months visit to the docs. Score.

Keep it up everyone.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 2 Pic-

This week's pic- - think this is working , feeling trimmer and fitter but not sure the pic really shows a big difference.

Diet done, munching through piles of veg, exercises  done-I am feeling the rowing from this morning.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 8

Ist day of diet fun- I now know how much a cucumber weighs- and some more. Worked out in the morning - all good and ended up having breakfast at 12 and lunch at 3. Still stuffed now, considering whether to eat dinner or not. The odds are i will. Photos will have to  wait till tomorrow, definitely feeling a difference though. 

Good luck in the kitchen guys- I'm off there now.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 7 - Skippy

Ist if all thanks guys for all the supportive comments on the last post. Its really good to know you're all out there. This is going to be another short post- had a busy day, Friday is the 1st day of the weekend here in the UAE and we've had a houseful of kids all day for my youngest sons birthday party, been busy but good. Just did my skipping 5x100 with a few stumbles but not too bad.

Diet was much better than yesterday, lots of grazing but mostly grapes, cucumber & carrot sticks- normally I'd be eating as many nuggets and mini-burgers as the kids. Tried to be aware of what I was eating and perhaps as importantly- why I was eating. And I'm planning on enjoying my  2 pieces of -lazy, on the couch, Friday evening, with the Mrs, pizza tonight- just as mindfully. Last chance for a while

Lots to think about from Patricks e-mail, I realise that I think the diet part of the PCP will be the biggest challenge. Think I'm going to do some trawling of the complete blogs for recipe ideas- Ren's Prison Chilli might be a winner I think.

More later - thanks again guys.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6 Bad

In short a bad day food wise, skipped breakfast and forgot my PCP friendly packed lunch- substituted with slice of carrot cake and too much coffee until mid afternoon when i caught up with my lunch, dinner was a lamb burger plus another 1/3. And I had a cookie too.  Today was a weak day.

Exercises were fine, lunges felt better thanks for the tips guys. Skipping good too. I felt ropey all day becuase of the food but i defiitely felt better after getting the workout done and that has to be a good sign.
Start again tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day- 5

Very briefly - food still on track though with a bit of snackage- workout done late again- really tried to stick ot the timing between sets which definitely upped the intensity. Felt good today more energy and no real muscle pain from yesterday.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day the 4th

Behaved with the eating so far today, usual breakfast- chicken, rye and cucumber for lunch, small bowl of pasta and meat sauce, snacks - raisins and an apple and half a small piece of sponge. I'm still getting sweet cravings
Snuck out of work early and got the workout done in the afternoon -not liking lunges- feel forced and unstable-but I'm enjoying the skipping.
No other pearls of wisdom to share tonight- keep going everyone.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3

was much like day 2- eating half is going well, especially for a naturally er, hearty eater. I realised today that this is really the first time i have ever actually tried to control what I eat. I'm realising that while I eat too much at meals i also like to graze through the day. So I need to avoid snacks or find better alternatives.
Todays menu was usual weetabix +apple breakfast: 2/3rds cheese and pickle sandwich- cucumber sticks lunch:and for dinner, grilled chicken, tomato & garlic salad with balsamic dressing 2 sneaky pieces of fried  potato -bad  and a small slice of rye bread- good ,on a side plate. Snacks were an apple, a handful of raisins and another slice of rye bread.
I have to say the licence that the first week gives you to eat your normal diet seems really smart to me, it makes you control your eating urges but lets you avoid the stress of eating a super specialised diet. And also takes away excuses for not doing it, you're still allowed to eat with everyone else but you just have to eat less.
Exercises were better today, done late again,  skipping is still improving , extra reps didn't seem too tough. Managing to get some power into the squats and push ups, yesterday everything felt pretty weak. Let's hope it continues.  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2

Went fine, exercises very late again but done. I like squats better than lunges and leg-ups better than sit-ups. Skipping was smoother than Day 1 but I'm still waiting to get through a set without a mistake.

Diet was OK too, as usual the  morning and afternoon are OK, its the later part of the day which has got the most potential for slippage- will have to go to bed at 7 every night to be on the safe side.

Night All

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 1 pic- Why is he smiling?

Day 1 - Done

First day went well,

 The half food diet wasn't too bad- breakfast was one weetabix and one apple, I've been resisting the urge to double all my meals for the past week in preparation for this week. Lunch was Chillis Fajitas - but only 2 and dinner was a gourmet feast of my sons' leftover bacon, beans and toast eaten over the kitchen  sink. Feeling hungry but its manageable so far.

Exercises were tougher than expected, they didn't get done until late and I think earlier will be better. It looks like I can still skip, though its probably 20 years and 20+kgs since I last jumped rope. 1st couple of sets were a bit stop/starty but things smoothed out after that. Squats seemed fine but push-ups were tougher than i thought. Using handles for the first time might have made them tougher, we'll see.

Good luck to all of us,- let's cane it.