Thursday, April 7, 2011

Twice in 3 days?

Thought I'd blog again, just to see if I could. Enjoyed the workout today, managed 6-4-4-3-3-2  puuuulll uuuuupppps. These have really been eluding me and I think what has got me over the hump has been using the lat pull down machine in the gym for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Hoping to build on this and get up to 3x10 which would take me back to an university gym about 1991. I'm still giving dips a miss but did some ski-jumpers along with the other tricep stuff .  Managing some KF sit ups this week as well.

Diet was 80% today, I didn't have time for eggs this morning so through some cheese onto toast and am going into egg deficit big time today. and eyeballed lunch and dinner make this a bit too approximate. ...

Gym homework-is a bit difficult because there are only a handful of other people who this the gym at college, and everyone seems pretty committed. The really obvious thing is that nobody has made anything like the changes that the PCP has made on me- in fact there aren't any really noticable changes on anyone really.

Enjoy our last day off tomorrow.


  1. Way to keep in touch man. It only helps YOUR motivation to communicate.

  2. That's a lot of pull ups. Way to go!
