Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Checking in

Still here, still going on the workouts and diet. I missed 2 days workouts last week but have been going on the skipping. Didn't really do the full indulgence- didn't deserve it with all the picking at this and that I\ve been doing. I did have a 25g bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk- which is an old friend of mine- I probably used to have between 3 and 6 of them a week. I enjoyed all of it and could have eaten another one I'm sad to report. The interesting thing was the knock-on effect of the all the sugar. I ate the chocolate around 9pm and ended staying up til 2AM watching the Wire (an excellent show). This use to happen at least once or twice a week pre PCP. The end result was a useless, sleepy me the next day who didn't get all the stuff that I had planned done. I knew that chocolate wasn't really good for me physically , but I hadn't really made the connection to my day to day routine and productivity. So while certainly wont be giving up that Cadbury goodness completely I'll definitely be eating it a lot less and a bit more carefully.

Shoulder is quite @##ked , but workouts are going well but dips are not being done.

Thats all for now. We are preparing for arrival of our 3rd baby, who will be arriving in a couple of weeks - so a few more big changes on the way.