Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday catch up

Did the chest and biceps workout which i missed this week today, this is my favourite i think with the appropriately named show-offs in there. Had a morning at home catching up on domestic stuff and worked out after lunch.I've been skipping straight through this week and 21 minutes this week feels easier than 5 sets of 100 did in Week 1. Whoodathotit?
Spent this evening at a Fairy  Princess/ Star Wars birthday party which was nice and relaxed, out on the lawn at sunset I had quite bad cravings for a cold beer though for really the first , or maybe 2nd time in the last 3 months. The party also contained the 2 staple momets of birthday partes since we started this- the moment when i decide to have mouthful of cake- (carrot this time) and the moment when everyone talks about how much weight I've lost. I admit i enjoyed them both. Though i do think quite often- God was i really so out of shape before? I think i must have been. 

Thats enough for now- off to eat eggs and some veggies-

Night all

1 comment:

  1. The weight creeps up so slowly, just a kilo or two a year that you can really get out of shape without realizing it.
