Friday, April 15, 2011


Day 90 Pics @ 73-75kg & 17% body fat

Time for some new trousers

Inspired by Vittorio-though not as impressive.

Fitter,certainly-though more gormless.

Day 90 Thoughts.

Overall the PCP has been the one of the things in my life that I’ve been proudest of doing. To have gone from my usual -just watching other people do  something to actually having done it myself is something that I still don’t really believe I’ve done. Like Chris said it was a choice that I wasn’t really sure I could commit the time, money and energy to but doing it has made me realize that I couldn’t have afforded not to do it. With apologies to Geordie for stealing his format.The last 3 months have taught me
1.       Eating healthily is simple.
2.       I really like and want to eat vegetables.
3.       I really like eating (at least) 6 times a day.
4.       The connection between my diet and my body is  real, if I eat crap I look crap.
5.       Going to the gym without eating carefully is useless.
6.       I always knew I liked skipping for a good reason.
7.       My self-confidence is much higher when I am in shape.
8.       You can’t drink 3 pints and a big glass of port and eat fish and chips, chocolate and cookies without throwing up.
9.       Doing difficult things with a group of great people makes them a lot less difficult.
10.   Its great having a waist again- I want to keep it.
11.   An average apple weighs 170gms.
12.   The public are quite happy to eat a horrible amount of s$%t.
Last of all thanks. Thanks to my wife and kids for putting up with this. Thanks to all my fellow PCPers whose blogs really inspired me during the tough times. Particularly -Chris whose posts were always great to read, Vittorio who was always positive, George's thoughtful writing, a special PCP hero award to Richard G whose commitment in the midst of the earthquake/nuclear crisis while doing a really important job was humbling. I really appreciated all the comments I got from everyone, esp Molly, Heather, Chris and Juan.
Patrick and Chen- PCP is the bomb- you rock.


  1. WOW! What a change. I love your attitude also plus I agree with all of your points. It's so simple --- doesn't take rock science to get in shape. Great job!

  2. David- wow simply doesnt say enough. You are a stud!!! Congrats on completing the project and finishing with your amazing results. What a transformation and it didnt come easily. You worked hard and it definitely shows.... you stuck with it through the good and the bad.... and you are right- it was extremely tough- but a bit easier with a great group of people. Thanks for travelling the journey with me and we will have to have a reunion. :)
    Well done!!!!

  3. it was great working together!
    let's all reconvene in a few months and exchange notes..

  4. Looking STRONG bro. You've got the genes for growth man, way to get that fat % down and let those muscles see the light of day! Great working with you, a well earned COMPLETE is yours!

  5. David - congratulations on completing your journey...not an easy task by anyone's measure. The commitment and determination needed is something not everyone has do! Appreciate your blogs, thoughts and comments. Best wishes to you.

  6. Great job David, the results speak for themselves. Huge congratulations.
