Friday, April 15, 2011


Day 90 Pics @ 73-75kg & 17% body fat

Time for some new trousers

Inspired by Vittorio-though not as impressive.

Fitter,certainly-though more gormless.

Day 90 Thoughts.

Overall the PCP has been the one of the things in my life that I’ve been proudest of doing. To have gone from my usual -just watching other people do  something to actually having done it myself is something that I still don’t really believe I’ve done. Like Chris said it was a choice that I wasn’t really sure I could commit the time, money and energy to but doing it has made me realize that I couldn’t have afforded not to do it. With apologies to Geordie for stealing his format.The last 3 months have taught me
1.       Eating healthily is simple.
2.       I really like and want to eat vegetables.
3.       I really like eating (at least) 6 times a day.
4.       The connection between my diet and my body is  real, if I eat crap I look crap.
5.       Going to the gym without eating carefully is useless.
6.       I always knew I liked skipping for a good reason.
7.       My self-confidence is much higher when I am in shape.
8.       You can’t drink 3 pints and a big glass of port and eat fish and chips, chocolate and cookies without throwing up.
9.       Doing difficult things with a group of great people makes them a lot less difficult.
10.   Its great having a waist again- I want to keep it.
11.   An average apple weighs 170gms.
12.   The public are quite happy to eat a horrible amount of s$%t.
Last of all thanks. Thanks to my wife and kids for putting up with this. Thanks to all my fellow PCPers whose blogs really inspired me during the tough times. Particularly -Chris whose posts were always great to read, Vittorio who was always positive, George's thoughtful writing, a special PCP hero award to Richard G whose commitment in the midst of the earthquake/nuclear crisis while doing a really important job was humbling. I really appreciated all the comments I got from everyone, esp Molly, Heather, Chris and Juan.
Patrick and Chen- PCP is the bomb- you rock.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Day 90-done, done done. Day 3 workout done in less time than it took my 3D breakfast to cool down. On a high all morning. Some pics taken will post them tomorrow- out tonight for fish and chips and 3 pints of Kilkenny- lovely.

Thank you Patrick and Chen.

More thoughtful post tomorrow.

Congratulations everyone.We. Did. It.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 89

2nd last day, had a busy day at work and got the gym at 5 but without having lunch, - oops not good prep for supersets. My sets aren't that super as my shoulder wont do dips, and front raises are a bit ropey too, but I think the back chest combo rocks and could be the key to efficient, effective workouts in the future. V-sits killed and the plank is , well, the plank.

Should be shattered but feeling oddly energetic, and wierdly feel like I could go on for another few weeks when actually I know that I really need a break., must be going mad.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Night all.  

Monday, April 11, 2011


in the afternoon yesterday- sent to bed by wife at 8.30pm shattered.Feeling good this morning though.

Friday, April 8, 2011


look crazy hard.

Friday catch up

Did the chest and biceps workout which i missed this week today, this is my favourite i think with the appropriately named show-offs in there. Had a morning at home catching up on domestic stuff and worked out after lunch.I've been skipping straight through this week and 21 minutes this week feels easier than 5 sets of 100 did in Week 1. Whoodathotit?
Spent this evening at a Fairy  Princess/ Star Wars birthday party which was nice and relaxed, out on the lawn at sunset I had quite bad cravings for a cold beer though for really the first , or maybe 2nd time in the last 3 months. The party also contained the 2 staple momets of birthday partes since we started this- the moment when i decide to have mouthful of cake- (carrot this time) and the moment when everyone talks about how much weight I've lost. I admit i enjoyed them both. Though i do think quite often- God was i really so out of shape before? I think i must have been. 

Thats enough for now- off to eat eggs and some veggies-

Night all

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Twice in 3 days?

Thought I'd blog again, just to see if I could. Enjoyed the workout today, managed 6-4-4-3-3-2  puuuulll uuuuupppps. These have really been eluding me and I think what has got me over the hump has been using the lat pull down machine in the gym for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Hoping to build on this and get up to 3x10 which would take me back to an university gym about 1991. I'm still giving dips a miss but did some ski-jumpers along with the other tricep stuff .  Managing some KF sit ups this week as well.

Diet was 80% today, I didn't have time for eggs this morning so through some cheese onto toast and am going into egg deficit big time today. and eyeballed lunch and dinner make this a bit too approximate. ...

Gym homework-is a bit difficult because there are only a handful of other people who this the gym at college, and everyone seems pretty committed. The really obvious thing is that nobody has made anything like the changes that the PCP has made on me- in fact there aren't any really noticable changes on anyone really.

Enjoy our last day off tomorrow.