Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stupido 54-

PCP trough week, been busy with work, and have a couple of injuries and been cheating on the food and missed 2 days exercises- bloody hell, low low motivation this week combined with work commitemnts meant less time and focus on PCP. Left shoulder rotator cuff/stability issues are making dips v rough and katanas need to be done with care, stupidly I have also managed to strain my intercostals- I think - on the same side - the shoulder is playing up and really pissing me off. Managed everything on the sheet today apart from dips which are not worth it at the moment.

Off to a desert camp for a leadership/ activity weekend  tomorrow, there will be plenty of activity and it should be good fun, and I'm tempted to leave the pcp at home for a couple of days and just try to have a weekend off- my upper body would appreciate it and so would my head I think.

Visual proof of my existence to follow - I won a new camera this week.

Good night


  1. Yeah on the camera! :) Hang in there.....we all hit these troughs.

  2. Mate - keep it up: these Day 50s are tough but stick to it - it is all an accumalative process.

  3. I hear you. Same going on here. But we started this thing right? Trying to stay strong.

  4. What'd you do to your ribs? Don't waver so much now man, cause it's hard to catch up if you start missing workouts at this point.

  5. David - I have been where you are. It's tough, not easy, a bitch. But in the end all we have is ourselves to be accountable to. Not sure it will help but go and read my blog..."PCP Slump" I wrote it a week ago or so...stay strong.

  6. I think that we're all feeling it David, there is definitely a slump around now and it's really tough. Think how far we've all come though, we're all doing really great, just keep with it.

  7. At least pack the rope. I too strained the rib muscles of my right pectoral last Saturday and was bit afraid to do the upper body exercises. On Sunday I did the Friday (Day 56) jumps to kind of take a break, and on Monday I resumed. I actually think that working out helped me heal faster as the muscles stretched. Maybe I wasn't strained but just had a contracture. It is a possibility you should rule out. Stay on David!

  8. I hope you are feeling better with no strains David. Lots of time left... I have been feeling a little blah the last few workout days too. So let's commit to finishing strong. I know you can do it!
