Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 65 still here

Good workouts today and yesterday- really like the chest / arms days. Really felt good through the leg-upos tonight, finally feeling that there are some stomach muscles there.Trying to make the most of this last month- will get to the gym at work tomorrow for back and arms.

 Diet good today- not so good at the weekend, 3 birthday parties meant lots of tempting things, had a couple of tastes of cake. Need to get more egg whites in, I guess hard-boiled is the most portable and convenient way?? Getting more compliments and questions but no one has got past the magic 3 enquiries yet.

Looks like things in Fukishima are turning a corner,hope so i have to say you PCPers in Tokyo have done an amazing job.

Good night


  1. Sounds like you are doing great... Three party cakes and only a few tastes? Good work!

  2. The results will come faster now, buckle down and work hard.

  3. Yeah, I'm impressed with our "bites" instead of pieces!
