Thursday, March 24, 2011

TFI Thursday

The weekend begins here in the UAE tonight and its been a long week, but on the whole a good PCP one. Feeling back on it this week- workouts are going well and diet has been good too. Going to get the most out of this last month, weight continues to go the right way, stomach muscles are occasionally visible and things are looking tighter.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 65 still here

Good workouts today and yesterday- really like the chest / arms days. Really felt good through the leg-upos tonight, finally feeling that there are some stomach muscles there.Trying to make the most of this last month- will get to the gym at work tomorrow for back and arms.

 Diet good today- not so good at the weekend, 3 birthday parties meant lots of tempting things, had a couple of tastes of cake. Need to get more egg whites in, I guess hard-boiled is the most portable and convenient way?? Getting more compliments and questions but no one has got past the magic 3 enquiries yet.

Looks like things in Fukishima are turning a corner,hope so i have to say you PCPers in Tokyo have done an amazing job.

Good night

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 56

Just back from desert camp where there's no net access- heard about Japan but no details until today- I hope that all of you in Japan and your friends and relatives are OK. We used to live in Japan and our thoughts and best wishes are with everyone there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stupido 54-

PCP trough week, been busy with work, and have a couple of injuries and been cheating on the food and missed 2 days exercises- bloody hell, low low motivation this week combined with work commitemnts meant less time and focus on PCP. Left shoulder rotator cuff/stability issues are making dips v rough and katanas need to be done with care, stupidly I have also managed to strain my intercostals- I think - on the same side - the shoulder is playing up and really pissing me off. Managed everything on the sheet today apart from dips which are not worth it at the moment.

Off to a desert camp for a leadership/ activity weekend  tomorrow, there will be plenty of activity and it should be good fun, and I'm tempted to leave the pcp at home for a couple of days and just try to have a weekend off- my upper body would appreciate it and so would my head I think.

Visual proof of my existence to follow - I won a new camera this week.

Good night

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Legs + vegs

are working again- first full workout since the rugby. In the gym at college and the at least 2 people commented on how much slimmer I looked. There were students in the gym for an introduction to circuits and I was busy with my workout but the great thing was that just 7 weeks ago I couldn't have done circuits at all but that today I actually quite fancied it.
Stuck with diet today- loving my roast veggies evening snack- times. have. changed.

Going to bed now while I'm still behaving.

Night all.